This years Pantomime will start with a Tea Party (probably the Mad Hatter and Alice) and these characters will travel through the Looking Glass and visit the worlds of Jack and the Beanstalk, Snow White and Rapunzel.
The Pantomime will be aimed at 10-11 year olds. Because children can be quite honest with their feedback the Pantomime needs to be Fun to look at and loud and proud to captivate them and hold their attention.
The whole of the 1st year will be cast (34 actors) and the show will also include the dancing students (so a total of just over 50 students)
Alice and the Mad Hatter:
There will be some sort of Fairy Godmother Characters, each will be a unique, quirky and interesting individual. There will be a total of 6 (possibly 7) different people each playing a different Fairy Godmother.
for example: one will play a moody character another play a fun jester type character.
Jack (of the Beanstalk):
A boy will be playing this role and will look like a typical Jack and the Beanstalk character. Probably be wearing some green outfit of the 'Golly Green Giant' variety.
Jacks Mum:
Jacks Mum will be played by a girl who will portray a bolshy, eastender, chavvy type character and possibly will be wearing trackies and a dressing gown/and or apron.
The Magic Beans:
The Magic Beans will be actually played by people and will consist of:
A Runner Bean (possibly in lycra).
A Jumping Bean (sporty looking)
A Jelly Bean (baggy clothing to allow for movement/possibly with tassles)
A Broad Bean (wide shouldered)
White Rabbit
The Giants:
There will be 5 Giants that start off regular size but will shrink down in height. Their costumes will need to look like they fit to begin with but to look bigger once they have shrunk.
A standard Prince type outfit needed for this character.
This character will be a stereotypical Rapunzel with long hair wearing a standard Princess dress.
This character will play a Wicked Witch but with a sexy look.
Physical Theatre will take part in and around the main characters. They will wear neutral clothing possibly consisting of jogging bottoms/black tops/long skirts.
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